Kidepo is Uganda’s most isolated National park in the north of the country but a few who make the long journey through the wild region of Karamoja agree that it is also the most magnificent. Kidepo ranks among the Africa’s finest wildernesses. From Apoka in the heart of the park, a savannah landscape extends far beyond the gazette area towards the horizons outlined by distant mountain ranges. Primary grasses in the Narus Valley are the shorter red oat grass and taller bunchy Guinea grass and fine thatching grass The common trees in the drier areas are red thorn acacias, desert dates, and to a lesser extent drumstick trees. The iconic sausage trees and fan palms line the water courses. Euphorbia candelabrum and the shorter monkey bread (or camel's foot) and Buffalo thorn trees are also found. Perennial water makes River Kidepo an oasis in the semi-desert which hosts over 86 mammal species including , cheetah, leopard, bat-eared fox, giraffe as well as almost 500 bird species.
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