Ssezibwa Falls


Ssezibwa Falls  is a Buganda Cultural Heritage Site that is found in Mukono District. It is situated only 20 miles east of Kampala – Jinja Highway. The Ssezibwa Falls preserves an ancient African culture and has for ages been a site of traditional cultural rituals for traditional believers because of the myths behind the formation of Ssezibwa River. It is believed that this River Ssezibwa was born of a woman together with another River Bwanda. There a number of tourist activities to do at the site;  nature walks & sightseeing, rock climbing, hiking, cultural experience of the Buganda heritage site, hiking, camping, birding of about 150 bird species and these include; Woodland Kingfishers, and Parrots. There are trails leading from the falls into the surrounding habitats of acacia thickets, bamboo, and the lush jungle forest. Look out for White-throated Bee-eater, Little Green Sunbird, Red-eyed Dove, Green-headed Sunbird, Lesser-stripped Swallows, Black-and-white Mankins, Great Blue Turaco, and White-chested Nigro Finch. Allow up to 3 hours to maximize your bird list.
Traditionalists ask for different favors from the different spirits that are known to deliver them such as riches, marriage strengthening, healing of different ailments and diseases, fighting enemies, blessings & removal of curses, provide rain, a good harvest, etc. There are traditional healers that set up shrines & these act as the oracles of the spirits.
So for this, Ssezibwa is an important Buganda Cultural Heritage Site protecting an ancient traditional culture that has been pushed out from almost all the African societies with the introduction of foreign religions. Given its serene and peaceful atmosphere & the believed presence of strong spirits, it is not surprising that Sezibwa was a favorite spot of Buganda Kings for retreats and carrying out kingdom rituals. For instance, on ascending onto the throne in 1884, it is reported that Kabaka Mwanga based at the site to appoint new chiefs & issue assignments to his subjects. He also planted an Olive tree at Sezibwa that still stands to-date and it’s believed to be more than 120years old.



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