We provide you quite a nice list of shortcodes. Pick your category from the list bellow:
This is a standard alert. ×
Normal Label
Secondary Label
Success Label
Alert Label
Regular Label
Radius Label
Round Label
Can be use on any element but will not work on mobile links. For that you need to use Tipsy from bellow.
"tip-bottom" "tip-top" "tip-left" "tip-right"
Use on any elements (images, links, divs etc). Available on mobile devices with double state on link. First tap will open the link / Second tap will open the link.
Nice TooltipNice Tooltip
This is a regular panel.
This is a callout panel.
.progress10{ width:10%;} .progress20{ width:20%;} .progress30{ width:30%;} .progress40{ width:40%;} .progress50{ width:50%;} .progress60{ width:60%;} .progress70{ width:70%;} .progress80{ width:80%;} .progress90{ width:90%;} .progress100{ width:100%;}
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